Everything You Need To Know About Citrus CBD

What is Citrus CBD?

An alternative to cannabis-based CBD is now on the market, extracted from citrus and evergreen bark. Citrus CBD’s molecular structure is identical to cannabis-based CBD, but it’s a consistently purer form that’s 100 percent free of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol).

Australia legalised cannabis for medical purposes back in 2016. Although the crop and its cannabinoids remain illegal for recreational use, those with health conditions can seek prescriptions to obtain cannabis products legally.

But many still avoid cannabis products because they often contain THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid that’s responsible for giving users that “high” feeling. While CBD has become the more popular cannabis-based medical compound, CBD products still contain trace amounts of THC, both when extracted from hemp and marijuana.

For those seeking a THC-free alternative, Citrus CBD is a great solution.

What exactly is CBD?  

CBD has experienced global acceptance in the medical community for several reasons. Until recently, the cannabinoid’s known sole source was the cannabis plant — both marijuana and hemp — from where it was extracted with carrier oils and sold in several different forms — such as creams, soft gel capsules, balms, tinctures, sprays, and even beverages.

Studies show that cannabis-based CBD, in its several forms, can treat several medical conditions effectively, including epilepsy-related seizures, inflammation, chronic pain, and even cancer. Because citrus CBD has an identical molecular structure to cannabis-based CBD, it can serve as an alternative treatment for the same medical conditions.

Why do we need an alternative to cannabis-based CBD?

Cannabis-based CBD’s close association with the cannabis plant, be it marijuana or hemp, means a close association to its frowned-upon relative — THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is the psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant that recreational users crave, given the “high” feeling it triggers. For the same reason, THC is also the compound that causes cannabis opponents to frown on cannabis-related products in general, including CBD, be they medical or recreational.

The hemp plant has only minute traces of THC, and an abundance of CBD. This makes hemp-based CBD preferable to marijuana-based CBD for those in the medical-use arena. However, hemp is still a cannabis offspring and a marijuana relative, making its CBD products also subject to some scrutiny — albeit less than marijuana-based CBD products.

In other words, cannabis-based CBD products, in general, carry some sort of guilt by association, being extracted from the same plants that harbor THC, regardless how tiny the amount of THC.  

Some who need CBD products don’t want any psychoactive effects at all — to them, that would be considered a side effect of CBD medications. Some would like to avoid any risks of failing a drug test, which could end up being the case after taking some cannabis-based CBD medications that contain THC.

Citrus CBD provides a solution to these problems. Citrus CBD provides a completely THC-free form of CBD that’s identical in molecular structure to cannabis-based CBD, but consistently purer.

The science behind Citrus CBD

As stated, the molecular structure of Citrus CBD is identical to cannabis-based CBD. This means that citrus CBD can serve as a treatment for the same medical conditions as cannabis-based CBD, such as epilepsy, inflammation, and even cancer. When evaluating its efficacy, one can simply lean on other CBD research and studies.

CBD has been proven to be much more effective than OTC and prescription products most of the time.

However, Citrus CBD is an even purer form with consistent extractions of at least 99.7 percent purity, where cannabis-based CBD varies in percentage due to extraction.

The purity of citrus CBD also rests in its complete lack of THC. Hemp and marijuana-based CBD both contain trace amounts of THC, which is a sticking point for cannabis opponents and patients who seek treatments that don’t have psychoactive effects, which can easily be described as side effects.

Some cannabis-based CBD products also cause concern in cases where drug tests are an issue — the “trace” amounts of THC in hemp or marijuana-based CBD are enough to be detected by drug tests, a scenario that many would prefer to avoid.

Citrus CBD is extracted from citrus and evergreen bark. The exact process is proprietary, and so the actual citrus or evergreen in question is undisclosed. However, the process yields a natural, pure CBD product, and can consist of by-products of oranges, such as the peels, as well as an invasive evergreen species from South Asia.

Extracting citrus CBD is also accomplished without carrier oils, unlike cannabis-based CBD. Instead, various citrus CBD products can be extracted using a lichen extraction technique, and time, pressure, and heat are generally what are used to isolate the compound.

The lack of the need for carrier oils in the extraction process means that the finished product is water-soluble, which provides a solution for pharmaceutical and beverage companies seeking CBD that can be added to, and dissolved in, liquids.

The beverage advantage

CBD is a hot commodity. The CBD market is set to balloon to US$2.3Bn by 2026, a CAGR of over 33% from 2018 figures, and a big chunk of that is set to be captured by CBD beverage products. As a result, major beverage companies such as Coca-Cola are racing to get a piece of the CBD pie.

Food and beverages set to be a major sector of the CBD market. src

However, there are two problems facing such companies: The already discussed stigma of cannabis-based products, and the non-soluble nature of cannabis-based CBD.

Both hemp and marijuana-based CBD products are oil-based, mostly thanks to their extraction process which typically relies on carrier oils. Oil, of course, doesn’t dissolve in water — in fact, oil in any water-based liquid will remain separated, causing a problem for beverage manufacturers.

Several companies have sought solutions to this dilemma, becoming customers to labs that create bonding agents that allow CBD bind to water, or create an illusion of them being bound together.

The problem with this solution is that such processes include undisclosed substances that may be chemical or synthetic in nature, taking away from the “natural” appeal of CBD itself. Another issue is that the first problem still exists — such CBD products are still cannabis-related and, therefore, THC-related.

Citrus CBD’s non-cannabis source and water solubility solves both problems. Beverage companies and consumers seeking alternative CBD products that can be dissolved in water-based beverages can look to Citrus CBD as a complete solution.

While citrus CBD is completely legal in other countries, it’s limited in Australia to medical use. Like cannabis-based CBD products, citrus CBD can only be imported with a permission and a license, and can only be purchased with a prescription. In fact, according to the Therapeutic Goods Association, all CBD products, regardless of source, are treated the same under the law.  

How much does Citrus CBD cost?

Cannabis-based products, in general, have high production barriers. First, the hemp or marijuana has to be cultivated, and the conditions matter as well. Second, the quality of cannabis matters in determining the CBD percentage. Third, the CBD percentage is inconsistent, as the extraction process requires separating CBD from over 100 other cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. These factors all contribute to cannabis-based CBD costs.

Citrus CBD, on the other hand, is extracted from citrus by-products and invasive evergreen species. These primary ingredients don’t require special, optimal conditions to cultivate or acquire. The extraction process is also more straightforward, in that there are no other cannabinoids to be concerned about separating. This pretty much guarantees consistent, higher percentages of CBD.

As a result, citrus CBD is generally cheaper than cannabis-based CBD — up to a third of cannabis-based CBD products. Citrus CBD products come in a variety of forms, ranging from single-use patches as low as $16 to a bottle of daily capsules of around $22.

Final words

Those seeking a THC-free CBD product can try citrus CBD. It’s a consistently purer form of CBD, containing at least 99.7% of the compound, where cannabis-based CBD products generally vary in their purity. Unlike cannabis-based CBD products, citrus CBD’s lack of THC means no psychoactive effects of any kind. It also means no risks of failing drug tests. Citrus CBD is a purer, cheaper, THC-free alternative to cannabis-based CBD, with the same medicinal effects.

Published by Neil

Neil believes Cannabis has medical benefits and should be prescribed by a Doctor. This site aims to provide accurate information on the science and legality of Cannabis so you can make informed decisions.

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