What happens when you legalize cannabis?

Australia now has a legal cannabis blueprint Some believe that the legalization of the cannabis industry in Australia is inevitable – that Australia will ultimately follow world trends. Cannabis is now legal in a number of places around the world, notably, in a growing number of states in North American. As a result, Australia isContinue reading “What happens when you legalize cannabis?”

Does legalizing marijuana reduce opioid use?

Cannabis versus opiods Medical marijuana has been legal and is used in a number of states in America, as well as other countries around the world. The change in policy has created a growing quantity of evidence suggesting that legalized medical cannabis has contributed to a reduction in opioid use, including the number of peopleContinue reading “Does legalizing marijuana reduce opioid use?”

What Does a Biden Win Mean for Global Cannabis Rules?

Cannabis-friendly Biden wins US election, and 5 more states legalize recreational cannabis After voters in the United States elected Joe Biden for president, a renewed zeal for marijuana reform spread across the country. Major US cannabis companies recorded gains as news of the election results came in. They also didn’t hide their reasons why. DavidContinue reading “What Does a Biden Win Mean for Global Cannabis Rules?”

How Does It Feel To Vape CBD Oil?

Vaping is one of the common ways to consume cannabidiol (CBD) oil. The process involves using a unique powered device, known as a vaporizer, vape device, or e-cig. A vape device consists of three major components: the mouthpiece, heating chamber, and vape tank. To get started, you fill the vape tank with your favorite CBDContinue reading “How Does It Feel To Vape CBD Oil?”

Buy Cannabis in Melbourne: Everything You Need to Know

Melbourne: A city so clearly divided on the cannabis debate With every passing day, the debate continues on whether or not Cannabis will be widely accepted, for recreational use in the world. One country, torn between both sides of the debate, is Australia. It’s not hard to see why those in favor of legalizing cannabisContinue reading “Buy Cannabis in Melbourne: Everything You Need to Know”

Australian Marijuana Legalization

What is marijuana Marijuana is a greenish, leafy substance that’s consumed for medicinal and recreational purposes. It is part of the Cannabis Sativa family of the cannabis plant.  Recreational cannabis users crave the psychoactive effects of its Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) compound, which is responsible for the euphoric feeling the plant gives when consumed, commonly referred toContinue reading “Australian Marijuana Legalization”

What Australia Learned When WA Decriminalized Cannabis in 2004

Cannabis laws around the world Recent years have seen recreational cannabis trend towards decriminalization and legalization around the world:  Uruguay legalized cannabis in 2013 Canada legalized recreational cannabis in 2018 11 states in the United States have legalized recreational cannabis, and 4 more states may legalize cannabis this November South Africa’s Supreme Court legalized recreational cannabis in 2018 Many EuropeanContinue reading “What Australia Learned When WA Decriminalized Cannabis in 2004”

Everything You Need to Know About CBD Oil for Migraines & Headaches

Have you ever suffered from a headache? Although they are not worse than migraines, they can be a nuisance, especially when you want to accomplish something within a few hours. Light and noise exacerbate a migraine headache – that’s why people suffering from headaches love to stay in a dark room free of noise. YouContinue reading “Everything You Need to Know About CBD Oil for Migraines & Headaches”

What Strength of CBD is Available in Australia?

What does “CBD” stand for? CBD is cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. The compound has grown popular for its medicinal properties, with several studies supporting its efficacy as a treatment for a range of health conditions.  Another popular cannabinoid is THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which has strong psychoactive effects. This compound is responsibleContinue reading “What Strength of CBD is Available in Australia?”